To add your own blog to Quit Smoking and Nicotine Blogs just follow these steps.
1) Post a comment at the bottom of this page. Include a description or introduction to your blog, your blog URL and your syndicated feed URL (which is probably your RSS feed).
2) I will then copy your introduction and create a post on this blog with a link to your blog, and add your RSS feed to the aggregator below. I will usually post a comment on your blog to let you know everything has been done.
OK, a few rules and simple guidelines.
a) One feed per person. If you have a blog plus a Twitter account and a host of other social networking services then it's up to you to decide which one is your most important feed. If I notice the same feed content from two sources I will remove one of them. As blogs are the main focus I will give preference to your blog feed.
b) The nature of giving up smoking is that blogging about it may be interesting for a while but that enthusiasm often wanes once the blogger has moved on to another topic. Any feed with no posts for the last 6 months will be removed. Pulling lots of feeds together takes up bandwidth and removing dormant blogs will increase the speed of this aggregator.
c) Similarly, if the blog is your personal blog and the topics have moved on away from smoking and nicotine I reserve the right to remove such feeds.
d) I usually try to pick one interesting post each day which I publish on this blog. I usually copy about one paragraph, possibly add my own comment and give a link to the original post. I will not republish whole articles. By requesting your feed to be added to Quit Smoking and Nicotine Blogs you agree that I can republish such excerpts.
e) Anything else I've forgotten about will be added here!
Many Thanks!
3 Jenis-jenis Batu Akik Bertuah dan Khasiatnya
*Batu Akik Bertuah *- Batu tourmaline kerap disebut yaitu batu bunglon
lantaran batu tourmaline bermacam jenis warnanya termasuk juga hitam serta
putih tap...
10 years ago
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